Monday, May 24, 2010

What My Mom and I Made for Dinner: May 24, 2010

Pasta alfredo with chicken, sausage and broccoli.

This is just the best way I can think of to use the leftovers from a fabulous cookout party on Saturday night. 

On Saturday, we hosted the women I work with and their families, and it was so fun.  There are ten children between us, and they all seemed to find someone to play with and to get along with each other, leaving the grownups to have a nice relaxed visit.  We grilled chicken and Italian sausages for the party and I made a couple of side salads, and of course I forgot to take any pictures at all.

But now I have some really nice leftovers, specifically some of those sausages and the chicken breasts, which were marinated in olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic before grilling.  My mom and dad came over for dinner tonight and we talked through how best to use these things.  There are a lot of great ideas.  Make sandwiches, put them in a salad, pizza, calzones.  The least effort seemed to be to slice them thin and toss them with pasta and broccoli and this alfredo sauce, made with half-and-half because I didn't have any cream in the house.

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