Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What Chuck Made for Dinner: March 13, 2009

Steak Diane, mashed potatoes, sauteed asparagus.

KU lost rather fabulously in the first round of the Big 12 Tournament, which means Chuck had no basketball he wanted to watch today. So this morning while I was at work, we had the following text exchange:

C: How about I make steak diane for dinner & invite my mom?

J (thinking yay! he's planning dinner!): Sounds good. What's steak diane?

C: You'll see. It involves butter.

True to his word, he made it, and it involved butter. It turns out, he was reading Joy of Cooking in an effort to find an alternative to the souffle Josh insisted he wanted to make. (Steak is just a couple of pages past souffle.) The sauce is butter, cognac, shallots, parsley, and chives. My man can cook.

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