Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What I Made for Dinner: February 3, 2009

Breakfast for Dinner. Eggs in a Nest, bacon, hashbrowns, black bean salad, fruit.

I really wish I didn't like bacon so much.

The black bean salad was supposed to be a garbanzo bean salad, until I was making it and discovered I was missing a key ingredient. It was inspired by this awesome buffet salad they used to serve in the dorms at BU. Every Sunday morning they served brunch, and you would stumble in bleary-eyed and hungover, and get an omelet made to order and a bagel and this salad, which made you feel virtuous. Plus something about the oil-and-vinegar dressing is curative; maybe it has to do with pH balance or some such.

So anyway: garbanzo beans, ideally; diced red and green bell peppers; diced green onions; diced tomatoes; feta cheese; olive oil and red wine vinegar.

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