Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What Chuck Made for Dinner: September 9, 2009

Corn fried rice with spinach.

My late office hours + Josh's soccer game = someone else had to step in and make dinner. Chuck made Ming Tsai's $10 recipe for fried rice, which I've made before, but he doubled the egg and omitted the chicken. (We're trying to eat more meatless meals.)

Thank goodness ours is a two-cook family! Apparently, it was kind of a team effort: Alex helped with the eggs and Josh distracted Eli, who was cranky and needy following his flu shot. How long before I can just tell the boys what to make for dinner and they'll make it, on their own, before I get home?

1 comment:

  1. Yay Chuckles! That's awesome! I can't wait to see you guys on Saturday (so I can show you my new phone).
